Wilmslow Spring Triathlon

Sunday 4th May 2025


An awesome Swim, Bike, Run Multisport event suitable for a Beginner or novice triathlete. 

For the seasoned triathlete the added option of the Double Sprint Challenge.

Additional race options:-

Aqua Bike = Swim and Bike

Aquathlon = Swim and Run

Rowathon = Row (Stationary Rower) Cycle, Run

Provisional Timetable 

07:00 Registration opens, Transition opens 

07:45 First competitors (Double Sprint) arrive at poolside.

08:00 First Swimmers Out

09:30 Sprint , Aquabike, Aquathlon, Duathlon competitors will start.

(Please note you will not necessarily start at this time). 

12:15 (approx) Last group of competitors start the swim leg 

15:15 (approx) Last competitors complete the whole course 


Venue Address

Wilmslow Leisure Centre, 

Station Rd, 

Rectory Fields, 


SK9 1BU.

Are you RAce Ready?

To participate in this event, you are required to become a member of British Triathlon and hold a race licence. 

You must either become a Core or Ultimate annual member here www.britishtriathlon.org/join or purchase a single use Race Pass for your race when purchasing your event ticket. 


The Swim

400M or 800M

For the Sprint - 16 lengths. 

For the Double Sprint 32 Lengths.

The Bike

Sprint Distance 24.2 km

Double Sprint 48.4 km

Undulating but forgiving bike course with a suburban start until you are out on the open roads of Wilmslow and the surrounding towns. Couple of cheeky climbs to keep you honest but nothing that would overly worry novice / experienced athlete alike.  Back to the Leisure centre for the Run.


Sprint 6.3 km 

Double Sprint 12.6 km

After a quick change you are on the run, nothing too steep, nothing too flat, mixed terrain,  but most trainers will be suited to this environment.  Follow the signs and obey the marshals instructions and you will be through the finish to collect your medal.


The 4th discipline...

Here are some tips to make race day a little bit smoother.

1) Layout your kit in the order you need it. (Always put helmet on first!)

2) What row are you in?

3) Make a note of how far you are from "swim in", walk the route and count the steps, it will help you remember your racking slot when you come out of the water. 

4) Look for landmarks (Flags, kiosks, trees) level with your space to give a visual reference to where your spot is. (once you get near you should see the bike and your towel.

5) Don't panic, slow is smooth, smooth is fast!

By doing the above you can save minutes off your time, practice putting your kit on and off, it will make you efficient come race day!